
Art World Universe's Boston gallery debut! by Sam Pearlstein

We recently had the opportunity to bring Art World Universe out into the real world. Kathleen Smith Redman and Bridget Hanson Healy of the New Art Center curated Exchange Codes: Boston and Beyond, a show in conjunction with the Big Red & Shiny Shindig at the Mills Gallery, and invited us to be a part of the exhibition.

Obviously we were hoping that maybe a couple of people would get themselves a couple of packs, and we loved the idea that a couple trades might take place in the gallery itself. Exchange Codes, right? But we were totally unprepared for the outpouring of enthusiasm, excitement and support from the Boston arts community for this weird little project!

We had so many good conversations with so many people, some of whom were familiar with the project but had never held the cards in their hand before, some of whom were totally new to the whole thing. Trading card veterans and rookies alike were tearing right into their packs to see who they'd gotten, trying to swap with other folks to get their favorite artist.

The whole event was a ton of fun for us, and a really wonderful way to introduce the Art World Universe to a whole new group of our local contemporaries. It was a great way to check in with old friends and original supporters of the project as well.

Many, many thanks to the New Art Center, Big Red & Shiny, and the Boston Center for the Arts! Let the Boston-area trading commence!